Durg Addiction is a bad addiction for health

Durg Addiction is a bad addiction for health. And it is increasing day by day. The thing to think about is that What happened in their life, that the will to live died in them. I have seen many beautiful young girls and boys who did not allow a slit in their clothes.

After suffering from this addiction, they do not have any sense of themselves, nor the people connected to them, their life will be limited to only one drug pill and injection. There are reasons why these people live a life worse than death.

One of the causes of addiction is poverty.

For example, in our society today, if a poor person has educated his children through hard work, and when he becomes literate, our society does not give him respect. He is entitled. The youth is seen pushing day and night in search of a job, but unfortunately the seat he deserves is sold by the higher authorities. If there is a responsibility and he cannot do anything, then he takes the way of escape.

And to get rid of all the problems, he gets addicted to drugs. In fact, he takes the first step to self-destruction, from which it is not impossible to return, but it is not so easy. The young man who is an example of beauty. was He was the pride of the entire university. Today, he would be seen either lying on the bank of a dirty canal or on a pile of dirt, who used to wash and wear clean clothes every day, now he would not bathe or change his clothes for months. Our society is responsible for its destruction here.


Today is the modern era, boys and girls are studying together. Be it college, university or school, there is a mixed education system everywhere. Due to this system, some children become victims of misbehavior. They cheat in the name of love.

And sometimes either the boy or the girl is sincere among them, but the other person often cannot bear the deception of one of them and he has no sense of his own self, then he gets drunk. If he becomes a victim of bad addiction, where is his education, where is his education, he leaves everything. FAQ for the love of a non-mahram. There is a hand. We are responsible for our society

companionship also has a great effect

It is said that along with training, companionship also has a great effect. One can have good training, but if the companionship is bad, then some color of the companionship will definitely come out. I have seen many people who were friends, some of them They don’t do anything else, but slowly they start taking drugs too.

And if he takes drugs once, then he will automatically ask for drugs the second time. Therefore, you should explain to your children that they must stay away from the company of such friends and meet their friends two or three times in a month. So that you can find out if your child is not going bad, because later there will be no regrets. There is nothing left

Rich people

Where people get tired of poverty and fall victim to addiction. It has been seen that money also causes addiction. What are the activities of the child? Nowadays, those who have money take drugs in the name of fashion. The main reason for this is that no one asks the child, there is no restraint in the house.


As they get addicted. Because they don’t get any peace at home, they seek solace in addiction. One step towards addiction is responsible for his and your ruin. His life will be empty of happiness, and he will embrace death at a young age. And at that time, you will have nothing left but regret, so today’s caution is better than tomorrow’s regret.

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